Kosmoderma skin care products for normal skin

Skin Care products for normal skin include the Kosmoderma Hydra Boost Gel that contains hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid, DL Panthenol and vitamin E. It soothes the skin by boosting collagen production. The gel also helps in holding moisture in the cell and makes the skin feel refreshed. Kosmoderma Photo Protect Sunscreen is used for normal skin types. It consists of SPF 40 PA + + + that provides protection from UVA/ UVB rays and also from blue light. The sunscreen also contains vitamin C that allows skin time to heal and repair. The gel forms a protective layer on the skin that stays for a long duration of time. Normal skin care products also include Kosmoderma C- Brite Vitamin C Serum that contains ferulic acid and ascorbic acid. They are powerful antioxidants that help in skin brightening and also protects the skin from harmful UV radiation of the sun. The serum provides overall rejuvenation and repairs the skin. Sodium hyaluronate keeps the skin hydrating and fights the skin of ageing.



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