Alicanto Biotech - Ayurvedic Third Party Manufacturing in Assam. Our main product range is Herbals and also provides production facilities to small to medium sized companies. Presently, we are providing the Ayurvedic Products Manufacturing Service in Assam. In our production, we provide a wide range of pharmaceutical segments such as capsules, juices, syrups, tablets, powders, etc.
Price: 25,000 INR
Category: Health & Beauty
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A very popular and useful method these days in the NCR region for those who...
Dr Bhanu Pratap
Hair Health Gummies are a natural supplement that contains essential vitamins and minerals for hair...
Health Etc
Pharma syrup is a pharmaceutical formulation containing active ingredients dissolved or suspended in a concentrated...
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Looking to start your own business in the Ayurvedic sector? SNU Herbals offers an exciting...
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Discover ETSquares Health, the best physiotherapy center in Lolai that provides personalized care and advanced...
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Pop The Gum emerges as a beacon of innovation, offering a delightful solution to the...
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Knee pain relief oil is an ayurvedic care for joint pain, muscle pain, and body...
Herbal Product
Broad Healthcare - Pharma tablet manufacturers in India produce high-quality medicine tablets used to treat...
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Companies outsource production to specialized manufacturers to reduce costs and focus on marketing, Is called...
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Buy Milani Conceal + Perfect 2-In-1 Foundation and Concealer at HOK Makeup. This Water-Resistant, Medium-To-Full...
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